For a symmetric matrix B is an element of R(nXn) and a vector a is an
element of R(n), the maximal extended eigenvalue lambda(a) :=max{lambd
a : There Exists x is an element of R(n) s.t. (B - lambda I)x = a, x(t
)x = 1}, is known to arise in optimality conditions for the mathematic
al programming problem P(a) given by max{x(t)Bx - 2a(t)x : x(t)x = 1},
as well as in extended Rayleigh-Ritz type results pertaining to the o
ne parameter family of nonsymmetric border perturbations of B given by
[GRAPHICS] Nonsmooth analysis is employed in order to describe the fu
nction lambda(.), with special emphasis on its sensitivity near the or
igin. Further connections with P(a) are drawn.