Broiler flocks on two Dutch poultry farms were screened weekly for the
presence of campylobacter in fresh caecal droppings during eight cons
ecutive production cycles. Hatchery and fresh litter samples were take
n at the start of each new cycle. Water, feed, insects, and faeces of
domestic animals: present on the farms were also included in the sampl
ing. Penner serotyping of isolates was used to identify epidemiologica
l factors that contribute to campylobacter colonization in the broiler
flocks. Generally, broiler flocks became colonized with campylobacter
at about 3-4 weeks of age with isolation percentages of 100 %, and st
ayed colonized up to slaughter. A similar pattern of serotypes was fou
nd within the various broiler houses on one farm during one production
cycle. New flocks generally showed also a new pattern of serotypes. M
ost serotypes isolated from the laying hens, pigs, sheep and cattle we
re different from those isolated from the broilers at the same time. C
ampylobacter serotypes from darkling beetles inside the broiler houses
were identical to the ones isolated from the broilers. No campylobact
er was isolated from any of the hatchery, water, feed or fresh litter
samples. Conclusive evidence of transmission routes was not found, but
results certainly point towards horizontal transmission from the envi
ronment. Horizontal transmission from one broiler flock to the next on
e via a persistent contamination within the broiler house, as well as
vertical transmission from breeder flocks via the hatchery to progeny,
did not seem to be very likely.