Purpose: The evaluation of coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients u
ndergoing vascular surgery can provide information with respect to per
ioperative and long-term risk for CAD-related events. However, the ext
ent to which the required surgical procedure itself imparts additional
risk beyond that dictated by the presence of CAD determinants remains
in question. The purpose of this study was to quantify the relative c
ontributions of specific vascular procedures and CAD markers on periop
erative and long-term cardiac risk. Methods: The study cohort comprise
d 547 patients undergoing vascular surgery from two medical centers wh
o underwent clinical evaluation, dipyridamole thallium testing, and ei
ther aortic (n = 321), infrainguinal (n = 177), or carotid (n = 49) va
scular surgery between 1984 and 1991. Perioperative and late cardiac r
isk of fatal or nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI) was compared for t
he three procedures before and after adjustment for the influence of c
omorbid factors. These adjusted estimates may be regarded as the compo
nent of risk because of type of surgery. Results: Perioperative MI occ
urred in 6% of patients undergoing aortic and carotid artery surgery,
and in 13% of patients undergoing infrainguinal procedures (p = 0.019)
. Significant (p < 0.05) predictors of MI were history of angina, fixe
d and reversible dipyridamole thallium defects, and ischemic ST depres
sion during testing. Although patients undergoing infrainguinal proced
ures exhibited more than twice the risk for perioperative MI compared
with patients undergoing aortic surgery (relative risk: 2.4[1.2 to 4.5
, p = 0.008]), this value was reduced to insignificant levels (1.6[0.8
to 3.2, p = 0.189]) after adjustment for comorbid factors. There was
little change in comparative risk between carotid artery and aortic pr
ocedures before (1.0[0.3 to 3.6, p = 0.95]) or after (0.6[0.2 to 2.3,
p = 0.4]) covariate adjustment. The 4-year cumulative event-free survi
val rate was 90% +/- 2% for aortic, 74% +/- 5% for infrainguinal, and
78% +/- 7% for carotid artery procedures (p = 0.0001). Predictors of l
ate MI included history of angina, congestive heart failure, diabetes,
fixed dipyridamole thallium defects, and perioperative MI. Patients u
ndergoing infrainguinal procedures exhibited a threefold greater risk
for late events compared with patients undergoing aortic procedures (r
elative risk: 3.0[1.8 to 5.1, p = 0.005]), but this value was reduced
to 1.3(0.8 to 2.3, p = 0.32) after adjustment. Long-term risk among pa
tients undergoing carotid artery surgery was less dramatically altered
by risk factor adjustment. Conclusion: In current practice, among pat
ients referred for dipyridamole testing before operation; observed dif
ferences in cardiac risk of vascular surgery procedures may be primari
ly attributable to readily identifiable CAD risk factors rather than t
o the specific type of vascular surgery. Thus the cardiac and diabetic
status of patients should be given careful consideration whenever pos
sible, regardless of surgical procedure to be performed.