Currently available models to simulate naturally occurring mineral-mel
t equilibria use mineral components limited to tholeiitic basalt compo
sitions and thus they cannot be used for alkali-rich basalts and basan
ites. To expand mineral-melt equilibria calculations to alkali-rich co
mposition space at low pressures, we have derived equations that descr
ibe chemical equilibria between olivine-melt, pyroxene-melt, plagiocla
se-melt, nepheline-melt and leucite-melt components. Excess free energ
ies of reactions between the end-member mineral and melt components at
equilibrium have been expressed as a function of melt composition, te
mperature and f(O2). The database used to calculate the mineral-melt e
xpressions consists of a total of >350 anhydrous experiments conducted
under controlled oxygen fugacity defined by the quartz-fayalite-magne
tite (QFM) oxygen buffer. Rocks used in these experiments range from b
asanites, nephelinites and alkali olivine basalts, to tholeiitic basal
ts and basaltic andesites. Using bulk compositions of starting materia
ls both in this experimental database and in others that were not inco
rporated into the regression of modeled parameters, modeled equations
successfully predict, at a given temperature and fo, compositions of m
ultiply saturated melts as well as the compositions of coexisting mine
rals. Standard deviations of the calculated male fractions of mineral
components (sigma) are as follows: anorthite 0.02; forsterite 0.02; cl
inoenstatite 0.02; enstatite 0.003; nepheline 0.02; and leucite 0.01.
Standard deviations (sigma) of the calculated melt compositions in ter
ms of weight percent of oxides are: SiO2 0.96; Al2O3 1.32; Fe2O3 0.23;
FeO 1.21; MgO 0.84; CaO 0.79; Na2O 0.58; and K2O 0.69. All calculatio
ns were carried out using a non-linear Newton-Raphson numerical proced