Objective: To describe the age-related changes in the number of moveme
nts in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and to quantify the functional
maturation of motor inhibition. Study design: Gross movements, phasic
mentalis muscle activity (PMMA), and a new index that expressed the sh
ortness of PMMA (the proportion of short PMMA among all PMMA) were exa
mined cross-sectionally in 87 healthy children from premature babies t
o preadolescents by means of a single (all-night) polysomnography. Res
ults: The incidence of gross movements and long PMMA decreased with ag
e, whereas that of short PMMA increased with age. The new index exhibi
ted an age-related increase, with the highest correlation with age amo
ng sleep parameters examined, and reached an adult level after 6 years
of age. Conclusion: We found that the age-related reduction of PMMA d
uration, which was expressed by a new index, occurred in parallel with
the maturation of the inhibitory system that is tonically activated d
uring REM sleep. We named this index the tonic inhibition index and co
ncluded that the neuronal system involved in motor inhibition during R
EM sleep was still maturing during early childhood. We propose the ton
ic inhibition index as a useful quantitative indicator for the maturit
y of the inhibitory system.