In order to evaluate the nature and prevalence of audiovestibular dist
urbances in mixed cryoglobulinaemia (MC)! 32 consecutive MC patients w
ere studied by a wide audiological and vestibular examination. Pure to
ne audiometry, impedance audiometry, brainstem response audiometry and
vestibular function were performed. Patients with a previous history
of ear damage due to other well-known agents were excluded from the st
udy. In MC patients we found a rather frequent audiovestibular involve
ment (34.3%). Bilateral sensorineural hearing loss was found in seven
MC patients (23%) and altered vestibular function test values in other
seven subjects (22%). Moreover, anamnestic and clinical data revealed
a high incidence of benign positional paroxysmal vertigo in our MC se
ries. We can suppose that immune complex-mediated microvascular involv
ement of the labyrinthine vessels may be responsible for inner ear dam
age in MC. Thus, audiovestibular disturbances may be included among va
rious organ involvement of the MC.