Nr. Varney et al., NEUROSPECT CORRELATES OF DISABLING MILD HEAD-INJURY - PRELIMINARY FINDINGS, The journal of head trauma rehabilitation, 10(3), 1995, pp. 18-28
Objective: To study mild head injury patients with poor psychosocial a
nd vocational outcomes using neurological single photon emission compu
ted tomography (neuroSPECT) imaging. Design: Case-comparison study. Se
tting: VA Medical Center, outpatient clinics. Patients: Fourteen mild
head injury patients with normal computed tomography (CT) and/or magne
tic resonance Imaging (MRI) scans and five normal controls. Head-injur
ed patients were selected because they had obtained and maintained hig
hly responsible employment prior to injury, but were unable to sustain
any occupation despite multiple attempts over a number of years after
injury. Intervention: NeuroSPECT with technetium Tc 99m hexamethylpro
pyleneamine oxime. Main Outcome Measure: Regional abnormalities in cer
ebral perfusion as indicated by neuroSPECT. Results: This carefully pr
eselected population consistently showed anterior mesial temporal hypo
perfusion. By contrast, posterior temporal abnormalities were very inf
requent. NeuroSPECT findings with regard to orbitofrontal damage were
not as striking, but were statistically significant on the left and we
re sufficient to raise the question of dysfunction in this area as wel
l. Conclusions: Findings indicate that some ''mild'' head injuries wit
h unusually catastrophic psychosocial consequences can produce regiona
l abnormalities in cerebral perfusion that are apparent with neuroSPEC
T, even in the absence of abnormalities seen on CT or MRI.