The purpose of this study was to identify factors that affect the adju
stment of women, and their husbands to recurrent breast cancer and to
examine the mutual effect that partners have on one another. An explor
atory study was designed to determine the relationship between four pr
edictor variables (support, uncertainty, symptom distress, hopelessnes
s);and women's and husbands' adjustments. The sample consisted of 155
subjects; 81 women, who had a first recurrence of breast cancer, and 7
4 husbands. Multiple standardized instruments with established reliabi
lity and validity were used to measure the study variables. The indepe
ndent variables were measured with the Social Support Questionnaire, t
he Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scale, McCorkle Symptom Distress Scal
e and the Beck Hopelessness Scale. The dependent variable, psychosocia
l adjustment was measured with the Brief Symptom Inventory and the Psy
chosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale, The results indicated that the
independent variables accounted for 43% of the variance in women's dis
tress and 32% of the variance in husbands' distress; they also explain
ed 66% of the variance in women's role adjustment problems and 57% of
the variance in husbands' role problems. Symptom distress and hopeless
ness accounted for the most variance in women's and husbands' levels o
f adjustment. A significant and positive relationship was found betwee
n women's and husbands' adjustment scores, indicating that partners ha
ve a mutual influence on one another. The findings suggest that there;
are multiple factors that influence couples' adjustment to recurrent b
reast cancer, and that these factors need to be taken into considerati
on when planning care for women and their partners.