Geographical variation in fresh Aloe ferox leaf exudate of which the d
ried product is commercially known as Cape Aloes, was investigated thr
oughout the natural distribution range of the species. The composition
of the major compounds is remarkably invariable, with aloeresin A, al
oesin, and aloin (both epimers A and B) contributing between 70% and 9
7% of total dry weight, in a ratio of approximately 4:3:2, respectivel
y. Minor compounds are less evenly distributed, with aloinoside A and
aloinoside B more frequent in the western parts of the distribution ar
ea and aloeresin C and 5-hydroxyaloin A generally present in small qua
ntities throughout the distribution area. The aloin content of the exu
date is clearly related to provenance but there are no distinct geogra
phical discontinuities. The selection of high-yielding provenances, wi
th total aloin levels above 25%, is recommended for commercial cultiva