PURPOSE: To investigate at which age testicular blood flow can be demo
nstrated consistently by color Doppler sonography and power Doppler so
nography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this prospective study, 172 normal
testes of 86 boys (age range, 4 days to 15 years) were examined with
gray-scale ultrasound, color Doppler sonography, and power Doppler son
ography. Presence of supratesticular and capsular vessels was determin
ed, testicular volumes were assessed, and intratesticular vessels were
quantified by using a semiquantitative score. RESULTS: Supratesticula
r and capsular vessels were always detectable. Demonstration of intrat
esticular vessels was inconsistent until 8 years of age at power Doppl
er sonography and until 12 years of age at color Doppler sonography. P
ower Doppler sonography depicted more vessels than did color Doppler s
onography in 37 (22%) testes (P = .001), and it depicted vessels in 13
(25%) of 51 testes in which color Doppler sonography could not (P = .
0002). Correlation between the number of visible intratesticular vesse
ls was slightly closer with age than with testicular volume (r = .59,
r = .55 for color Doppler sonography and power Doppler sonography, res
pectively). CONCLUSION: Intratesticular blood flow can be detected mor
e sensitively and more consistently from a younger age on with power D
oppler sonography than with color Doppler sonography.