Scirpus acutus Muhl. is a hardstem bulrush found throughout North Amer
ican wetlands. The seeds of most species of Scirpus have a relatively
low germination potential. Seed viability and the developmental morpho
logy of the embryo upon germination were studied using standard tetraz
olium (TZ) testing, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and standard l
ight microscopy techniques. TZ indicates the majority of seeds are via
ble. Upon germination, a leaf is the first structure to elongate, emer
ge from the seed coat, and finally break through the pericarp. Followi
ng this stage, the radicle develops from an extension of the embryo ax
is located between the scutellum and the shoot tip of the embryo. The
next leaf eventually arises at the junction of the sheath of the first
leaf. The pericarp may act as a physical barrier and be a factor cont
ributing to low germination in Scripus acutus.