Frequency response shaping for the direct form pre-steered broadband (
PB) antenna array processor is often achieved by imposing look directi
on constraints on the weights of the processor. This results in a line
arly constrained optimization problem. To ensure a maximally flat spat
ial response of a specified order in tbe look direction of the PB proc
essor, additional constraints known as derivative constraints can be f
urther imposed on the weights. In general, derivative constraints corr
esponding to necessary and sufficient (NS) conditions for a maximally
flat spatial power response can result in a quadratic equality constra
ined optimization problem. In this paper, we transform the quadratic N
S derivative constraints to parameterized linear forms. These paramete
rized linear forms allow the global optimum of the quadratic equality
constrained optimization problem to be obtained easily. They also prov
ide a general framework for deriving new sets of derivative constraint
s which correspond only to sufficient conditions for a maximally flat
spatial power response. These sufficient derivative constraints are us
eful for real-time processing because of their reduced computational r
equirements and because they can deliver performance comparable to the
NS derivative constraints.