The inauguration of invasive methods in the clinical cardiology has en
abled a subtle qualitative and quantitative diagnostic of anomalies of
the heart and great vessels first in childhood and thereafter in infa
ncy and in the neonatal period. The optimizing of the diagnostic tools
was accompanied by the development of methods for operations. Since t
hen echocardiography was developed, which for the first time was not s
uited for the diagnostic in children. After important technical improv
ements now echocardiography (inclusively doppler echocardiography) has
become a method by which nearly all heart diseases can by diagnosed n
on-invasively and safe without the risk of the invasive methods. In th
e meanwhile echocardiography has reduced indications and applications
of invasive methods in all age groups, especially in the neonatal peri
od. In patients with inoperable malformations of the heart we can give
up invasive diagnostic measures which are accompanied with high risk
especially in these children. Even more helpful and definite diagnosti
c evidence is given by the MR-tomography. But this method requires mor
e technical expense and the access is limited. Nevertheless there rema
in some malformations of the heart and great vessels, in which invasiv
e diagnostic measures are necessary praeoperatively and even postopera
tively. Moreover interventional cardiology has become a new indication
for the invasive access.