Two independently inbred strains of genetically epilepsy-prone rats (G
EPRs) have been developed. GEPR-3s and GEPR-9s have moderate and sever
e degrees of seizure predisposition as well as expression, respectivel
y. Seizure predisposition is a fundamental distinction between the nor
mal and epileptic brain. Seizure predisposition in GEPRs and in humans
with epilepsy includes spontaneous seizures and exaggerated seizure r
esponsiveness and/or abnormally low thresholds to stimuli which also c
ause seizures in non-epileptic subjects. Activation of brainstem seizu
re circuitry by auditory input via the inferior colliculus causes elec
trographic and behavioral responses in GEPR-9s which replicates human
generalized tonic/clonic seizures, Activation of brainstem seizure cir
cuitry by input from forebrain seizure circuitry in GEPRs provides a n
ewly discovered model of complex partial seizures with secondary gener
alization to tonic/clonic seizures, Thus seizure predisposition in GEP
Rs offers a unique opportunity to study the human epilepsies that is n
ot offered in studies of normal brain exposed to convulsant stimuli.