The computed tomography (CT) findings in twelve patients with acute re
nal infection examined immediately and 3h after i.v. contrast medium a
re reported. Three patients also had delayed scans at 6 h. Three main
features were observed on the delayed scans: 1 a delayed nephrogram wi
th streaky, wedge shaped or round high density areas. The areas of hig
h density were at the same sites of the inhomogeneous areas of reduced
density on the early scans; 2 focal contrast medium staining or a rim
of increased density around abscesses; 3 focal areas of increased den
sity at sites distant from the low density areas seen on the early sca
ns. It is postulated that the delayed areas of increased density repla
ce early areas of reduced density caused by ischemia due to vasospasm
and/or compressing oedema of the vascular bed or by tubular obstructio
n. Delayed CT appears to be useful because it improves diagnostic conf
idence and gives a more exact evaluation of the extent of infection.