The accumulation of germanium (Ge) by barley (Hordeum vulgare cv. 'Ari
vat') grown at various Ge and pH levels was investigated because Ge is
an industrially important metal and bioaccumulation of Ge is a potent
ially useful means of concentrating this trace metal. Six-day-old barl
ey seedlings were grown in perlite and nutrient solution adjusted to a
pH of 4.5, 6.0, or 7.5 supplemented with 20, 40, 60, or 80 mu M Ge fo
r seven days. The plants were divided into roots and shoots after harv
esting; the dry weight and Ge content of the individual organs were me
asured, as was the peroxidase activity in the distal 1 cm of the prima
ry leaves. Barley seedlings accumulated Ge in the roots and shoots; th
e shoots accumulated Ge linearly as medium Ge concentration increased.
The dry weight of the organs was not affected, although necrosis was
observed in the primary leaves of the seedlings treated with Ge concen
trations greater than 20 mu M. Peroxidase activity in the primary leav
es also increased as the Ge levels in the medium increased which indic
ated that elevated levels of Ge stimulated leaf senescence. These resu
lts demonstrate that barley plants can take up Ge and suggest that Ge
is not toxic at the levels that might occur in areas where Ge is norma
lly mined.