Almost all human populations exhibit seasonal variation in births, owi
ng mostly to seasonal variation in the frequency of conception. This r
eview focuses on the degree to which environmental factors like nutrit
ion, temperature and photoperiod contribute to these seasonal patterns
by acting directly on the reproductive axis. The reproductive strateg
y of humans is basically that of the apes: Humans have the capacity to
reproduce continuously, albeit slowly, unless inhibited by environmen
tal influences. Two, and perhaps three, environmental factors probably
act routinely as seasonal inhibitors in some human populations. First
, it seems likely that ovulation is regulated seasonally in population
s experiencing seasonal variation in food availability. More specifica
lly, it seems likely that inadequate food intake or the increased ener
gy expenditure required to obtain food, or both, can delay menarche, s
uppress the frequency of ovulation in the nonlactating adult, and prol
ong lactational amenorrhea in these populations on a seasonal basis. T
his action is mast easily seen in tropical subsistence societies where
food availability often varies greatly owing to seasonal variation in
rainfall; hence births in these populations often correlate with rain
fall. Second, it seems likely that seasonally high temperatures suppre
ss spermatogenesis enough to influence the incidence of fertilization
in hotter latitudes, but possibly only in males wearing clothing that
diminishes scrotal cooling. Since most of our knowledge about this phe
nomenon comes from temperate latitudes, the sensitivity of spermatogen
esis in both human and nonhuman primates to heat in the tropics needs
further study. It is quite possible that high temperatures suppress ov
ulation and early embryo survival seasonally in some of these same pop
ulations. Since we know less than desired about the effect of heat str
ess on ovulation and early pregnancy in nonhuman mammals, and nothing
at all about it in humans or any of the other primates, this is an imp
ortant area for future research. Third, correlational data suggest tha
t there may be some degree of regulation of reproduction by photoperio
d in humans at middle to higher latitudes. Populations at these latitu
des often show a peak in presumed conceptions associated with the vern
al equinox. On the other hand, evidence gathered by neuroendocrinologi
sts tends to argue against reproductive photoresponsiveness in humans.