This prospective study was carried out in order to compare endoscopic
laser therapy with injection-assisted piecemeal polypectomy for treatm
ent of sessile rectal adenomas. We randomized 94 patients with rectal
sessile adenomas to either of the two treatments. The adenomas were cl
assified according to size as extensive or intermediate. Of the patien
ts with extensive adenomas, a complete ablation was achieved in 63.6%
with laser versus 33.3% with piecemeal snaring (p < .01). For the inte
rmediate adenomas, the rates of permanent ablation were 81.2% with las
er versus 86.6% with piecemeal snaring polypectomy (difference not sta
tistically significant). The complication rates were acceptable in bot
h the laser and piecemeal snaring groups. (One case of perforation and
one case of stenosis were observed in the laser group, both probably
related to prior electroresection.) Our study suggests that the specif
ic indication for laser therapy should be extensive lesions; with inte
rmediate adenomas, laser therapy and injection-assisted piecemeal poly
pectomy are equally efficacious for achieving complete ablation. Howev
er, the duration of initial treatment differs: 6.3 weeks for laser the
rapy versus 2.4 weeks for piecemeal polypectomy; moreover, about 70% o
f the intermediate adenomas were eradicated with a single session of p
iecemeal polypectomy.