Aj. Negri et al., EVALUATION OF PASSIVE MICROWAVE PRECIPITATION ALGORITHMS IN WINTERTIME MIDLATITUDE SITUATIONS, Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology, 12(1), 1995, pp. 20-32
The second intercomparison project of the Global Precipitation Climato
logy Project examined the estimation of midlatitude, cool-season preci
pitation. As part of that effort, the authors report here on the resul
ts of two microwave techniques, the Goddard scattering algorithm and t
he physical retrieval algorithm of Kummerow. Results from the estimati
on of instantaneous rain rate for five overpasses of the Special Senso
r Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) are presented in a case study mode to illus
trate both the strong and weak points of each technique. These five ca
ses represent a sampling of the various types of precipitating systems
observed. Results for the complete set of 20 swaths chosen by the Uni
ted Kingdom Meteorological Office are then categorized by scatterplots
and statistics of instantaneous radar versus microwave-estimated rain
rate, rain/no-rain contingency tables, and scatterplots of areal cove
rage of rainfall. Neither algorithm produced a good statistical correl
ation with the radar data, yet in general, both did well at determinin
g rainy areas. Two reasons are suggested for the low correlation coeff
icients between both algorithms and the radar data. Time differences b
etween the SSM/I overpass and the radar observations can occasionally
account for some of the differences. The primary reason for the low co
rrelations, however, appears to be the predominance of very light rain
in the area of interest during the winter. Both algorithms are in goo
d spatial agreement with the radar when the radar data are restricted
to rates above 1 mm h-1. When all radar rain rates are included, the r
adar areal coverage increases by as much as a factor of 10 in some cas
es. Because the Kummerow algorithm does not handle such low rain rates
over land very well, and because the Goddard scattering algorithm use
s 1 mm h-1 as the minimum reliably detectable rain rate, regimes that
contain large areas of very light rain present inherent difficulties f
or these retrieval methods. Therefore, the proliferation of low rain r
ates observed during the experiment is the main contributor to low cor
relation coefficients and high root-mean-square differences. Misidenti
fication of cold surface (e.g., snow cover) as precipitation was also
a problem in several instances.