To determine the interactions between endurance training and hypoxia o
n maximal exercise performance, we performed a study on sedentary high
-altitude natives who were trained in normoxia at the same relative (n
= 10) or at the same absolute (n = 10) intensity of work as hypoxia-t
rained subjects (n = 10). The training-induced improvement of maximal
oxygen uptake (V over dot O-2max) in hypoxia-trained subjects was simi
lar to that obtained in normoxia-trained sea-level natives submitted t
o the same training protocol (H. Hoppeler, H. Howald, K. Conley, S. L.
Lindstedt, H. Claassen, P. Vock, and E. W. Weibel. J. Appl. Physiol.
59: 320-327, 1985). Training at the same absolute work intensity in th
e presence of increased oxygen delivery failed to provide a further in
crease in V over dot O-2max. V over dot O-2max was not improved to a g
reater extent by simultaneously increasing absolute work intensity and
O-2 delivery during the training sessions. In addition, training in n
ormoxia is accompanied by an increased blood lactate accumulation duri
ng maximal exercise, leading to greater drops in arterial pH, bicarbon
ate concentration, and base excess. We conclude that, in high-altitude
natives, 1) training at altitude does not provide any advantage over
training at sea level for maximal aerobic capacity, whether assessed i
n chronic hypoxia or in acute normoxia; 2) V over dot O-2max improveme
nt with training cannot be further enhanced by increasing O-2 availabi
lity alone or in combination with an increased work intensity during t
he exercising sessions; and 3) training in normoxia in these subjects
results in a reduced buffer capacity.