1. The lateral geniculate nucleus is the primary thalamic relay for th
e transfer of retinal signals to the visual cortex. Geniculate cells a
re heavily innervated from nonretinal sources, and these modify retino
geniculate transmission. A major ascending projection to the lateral g
eniculate nucleus arises from cholinergic cells in the parabrachial re
gion of the brain stem. This is an important pathway in the ascending
control of arousal. In an in vivo preparation, we used extracellular r
ecordings to study the effects of electrical activation of the parabra
chial region on the spontaneous activity and visual responses of X and
Y cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat. 2. We studied t
he effects of two patterns of parabrachial activation on the spontaneo
us activity of geniculate cells. Burst stimulation consisted of a shor
t pulse at high frequency (16 ms at 250 Hz). Train stimulation was of
longer duration at lower frequency (e.g., 1 s at 50 Hz). The firing ra
te of almost all geniculate cells was enhanced by either pattern of st
imulation. However, the burst pattern of stimulation elicited a short,
modulated response with excitatory and inhibitory epochs. We found th
at the different epochs could differentially modulate the visual respo
nses to drifting gratings. Thus the temporal alignment of the brain st
em and visual stimuli was critical with burst stimulation, and varied
alignments could dramatically confound the results. In comparison, the
train pattern of stimulation consistently produced a relatively flat
plateau of increased firing, after a short initial period of more vari
able effects. We used the less confounding pattern of train stimuli to
study the effects of parabrachial activation on visual responses. 3.
Our main emphasis was to examine the parabrachial effects on the visua
l responses of geniculate cells. For most visual stimuli, we used drif
ting sine wave gatings that varied in spatial frequency; these evoked
modulated responses from the geniculate cells. Parabrachial activation
enhanced the Visual responses of almost all geniculate cells, and thi
s enhancement included both increased depth of modulation and greater
response rates. 4. Our results were incorporated quantitatively into a
difference-of-Gaussians model of visual receptive fields in order to
study the parabrachial effects on the spatial structure of the recepti
ve field. This model fit our data well and provided measures of the re
sponse amplitude and radius of the receptive field center (K-c and R(c
), respectively) and the response amplitude and radius of the receptiv
e field surround (K-s and R(s), respectively). Parabrachial activation
produced a fairly consistent elevation of K-c, and R(c) was Little af
fected, leading to an increase in the strength of the receptive field
center (proportional to K-c . R(c)(2)). The effects on K-s and R(s) we
re more variable. Despite this variability, increases in K-s more than
offset decreases in R(s) (and vice versa), such that parabrachial act
ivation also consistently increased the strength of the receptive fiel
d surround (proportional to K-s . R(s)(2)). In some cells, surround an
d center strength increased proportionally, resulting in a proportiona
te increase at all spatial frequencies. In other cases, surround stren
gth increased more than center strength, causing the cells to behave m
ore like high-pass filters. The reverse was found for other cells. 5.
By most measures, geniculate X and Y cells were similarly affected by
parabrachial activation. One notable exception is that K-c in X cells
was increased significantly more than in Y cells. We suggest that this
may relate to a morphological difference in retinogeniculate circuitr
y between cell types. Most retinal inputs to X cells are strongly affe
cted by interneuron terminals, with which they form triadic contacts;
retinal inputs to Y cells tend to be simpler and nontriadic. There is
considerable parabrachial input to triads, affording the parabrachial
region with a potentially powerful means of gating retinogeniculate tr
ansmission for X cells. 6. We confirm that parabrachial activation enh
ances the transmission of ascending Visual information through the lat
eral geniculate nucleus. For almost all cells, the increase was observ
ed at all spatial frequencies. The enhanced transmission of higher-fre
quency stimuli will better convey information about the details of a v
isual scene. In addition, the increase in the strength of the receptiv
e field surround will maintain the lateral inhibitory mechanisms that
are crucial for the enhancement of visual contrast edges. These combin
ed effects will result in the transmission of a sharper visual image.
This is what one would expect under conditions of increased alertness,
and it is consistent with the idea that the parabrachial region is in
volved in arousal.