Bronchodual(R) is a combination of two bronchodilators, a beta-2 adren
ergic substance (fenoterol, 50 mu g per dose), and an anticholinergic
substance (ipratropium bromide, 20 mu g per dose), administered by met
ered aerosol. According to different studies carried out with adults a
nd children, the bronchodilating action of this combination is greatly
superior to that obtained with each substance individually; the beta-
2 adrenergic substance can be spared; its action is longer and involve
s a decrease in the number of drug intake and lastly its tolerance is
excellent. A French multicentre study was performed with 74 children (
7 to 15 years old, mean : 11.8 +/- 2.6 years), 53 boys and 21 girls wi
th allergic or non-allergic asthma: 41 children presented a moderate a
sthma (one crisis per month) and 33 children moderatly severe asthma (
one crisis per week). These children had been given no corticosteroid
therapy (per os or inhaled) for at least 15 days, their usual long-ter
m treamtent (cromoglycate, anti H1, theophylline LP, antibiotics) was
given as normal. Their FVC was greater than or equal to 80% of predict
ed values and they presented an intercritical airway obstruction. Hypo
xemia was noted in 41.2% of the children. A reversibility test was per
formed with Bronchodual(R): 68 of 74 children (i e 91.9%) were respond
ers, ie after two doses of Bronchodual(R) at least one of the FEFs had
increased by at least 15% when compared with the initial values. The
responders were given a 2 month treatment with two inhalations 3 times
/day with a sparer. Fifty-seven patients were considered for the final
evaluation. From a clincal point of view the efficacy of rite treatme
nt was ''very good'' in 41.1% of the cases, rather good'' in 46.6% and
low or without any benefit in 12% of the cases. On D60 there was sign
ificant improvement in FEV1, PEFR, MEF50 and MEF25 and particularly a
positive reaction to the inhalation of two doses of Bronchodual(R) thu
s showing a lasting present action of the substance. Side effects were
mild and transient In no case the treatment was discontinued because
of adverse effects. As a conclusion, the efficacy of Bronchodual(R) wa
s demonstrated in the long-term treatment of children with allergic or
non-allergic asthma. Its combination is recommended with either disod
ium cromoglycate -for moderate asthma- or an inhaled steroid -for more
severe asthma. Bronchodual(R) actually meets the two major criterions
for a drug: efficacy and safety.