The anion [HSi(O)NH](-) (2) has been produced in the source region of
a tandem flowing afterglow selected ion flow tube from phenylsilane, a
mide, and water and mass-selected for further study. Its connectivity
has been established from studies of its formation from deuterated rea
ctants and by chemical reactivity studies with CO2, COS, and CS2. A va
riety of alcohols undergo interesting reactions with 2. In particular,
reactions with fluoro alcohols are considered in terms of the energy
content of the complex formed when a proton is transferred from a fluo
roalcohol to 2. A series of anions related to 2 have been studied by a
b initio methods. For a number of these, the silylene anion form is mo
re stable than its isomer (e.g. [Si(O)NH2](-) (1) is more stable than
[HSi(O)NH](-) (2)). Computational energies suggest that Si-H deprotona
tion of HSi(X)Y (for X = O, NH, CH2) when Y = NH2, CH3 is favored over
deprotonation at N-H or C-H, while O-H deprotonation is favored when
Y = OH. Charge density computations of a variety of neutrals and anion
s reveal the dominant effect of silicon in determining charge density.
The acidity (Delta G(acid)) Of silaformamide has been estimated by br
acketing methods to be between 350 and 355 kcal mol(-1).