Ribonucleases are widely found in the tissues of living organisms, but
the functions of individual ribonucleases are not clear. To facilitat
e characterization of individual ribonucleases, I have developed a rap
id method to separate and identify each ribonuclease from a crude samp
le by gel electrophoresis instead of by time-consuming purification st
eps. The ribonucleases in a crude sample are first separated by RNA-ca
st SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and then eluted from the gel
after ethidium bromide staining. To determine the base specificity of
each ribonuclease, a 5' labelled oligonucleotide with known sequence
is added to the enzyme eluate and the digested products are analyzed b
y denaturing gel electrophoresis. The base specificity of bovine pancr
eatic ribonuclease (RNase A), bullfrog oocyte-specific ribonuclease (R
C-RNase), human serum ribonucleases and sweet potato leaf ribonuclease
s were determined by this method. Other properties of individual ribon
ucleases, e.g. substrate preference, may also be determined from crude
samples by this method without further purification steps.