Strong advice to stop smoking and careful prescription of nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs remain basic steps in peptic ulcer management
. Long-term, low-dose treatment with an H-2-blocker provides effective
prophylaxis against recurrent ulceration, but most patients with pept
ic ulceration should now be offered treatment to eradicate infection w
ith Helicobacter pylori. An H+, K+-APTase inhibitor is the treatment o
f choice for a patient with the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Treatment
of peptic ulceration is usually safe, but there are concerns about inc
reased hazards of enteric infection due to decreased gastric acid, and
the accelerated development of gastric atrophy during long-term treat
ment with omeprazole. Finding an effective and convenient regimen for
the eradication of H. pylori remains the major problem in the medical
management of peptic ulceration.