DCC (Deleted in Colorectal Carcinoma) is a candidate tumor suppressor
gene located on the long arm of chromosome 18, DCC was initially ident
ified and cloned during a search for the target gene located in a regi
on of 18q that demonstrated loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in 70 to 80%
of colorectal cancers, More recently, the region of 18q harboring the
DCC gene has been shown to undergo LOH in approximately 14 to 30% of e
ndometrial carcinomas, These findings suggest that DCC may be a target
of LOH in at least some endometrial carcinomas and, therefore, may ha
ve a role in the pathogenesis of this common malignancy of the female
genital tract To address this possibility, we analyzed 26 cases of end
ometrioid endometrial carcinoma for DCC LOH and alterations in an AT m
icrosatellite repeat located in an intron of the DCC gene. LOH was det
ected in one case (4%). Allelic shifts at the DCC AT repeat were detec
ted in five (19%) additional cases, We also evaluated DCC protein expr
ession by immunohistochemical analysis in normal, hyperplastic, and ne
oplastic endometrial tissues. Three proliferative and five secretory e
ndometria and one simple endometrial hyperplasia demonstrated staining
for DCC, Four of the 26 endometrioid endometrial carcinomas for which
frozen tissue was available, including at least one from each histolo
gic grade, and a case of endometrioid carcinoma confined to the endome
trium completely lacked detectable staining for DCC. Although DCC LOH
was infrequent in endometrial carcinomas, alterations of the gene (LOH
or AT repeat alterations) were not uncommon (23% of our cases), In ad
dition, DCC was expressed in normal endometrial tissue, whereas expres
sion was lost in all of the five endometrial carcinomas, The combinati
on of the genetic alterations and loss of DCC protein expression sugge
sts that inactivation of the DCC gene may play a role in the pathogene
sis of endometrial carcinoma.