We demonstrate practical field application of catch-per-unit-effort (C
PUE) models, based on a new conceptual framework for CPUE developed by
Bishir and Lancia (1996), to estimate (1) the antlered buck populatio
n of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) on Chesapeake Farms (f
ormerly Remington Farms), Maryland, from harvest data collected by dee
r hunters and (2) the high-elevation population of wild pigs (Sus scro
fa) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP) from pig removals b
y Park employees. An advantage of CPUE estimates is that the required
data can be collected by hunters. Compared to the reconstructed buck p
opulation, CPUE estimates were negatively biased but correctly reveale
d major increasing or decreasing trends; similar validation data were
not available for the pig population. in cases of sustained-yield harv
esting, CPUE estimates are probably sufficiently accurate because unde
restimates would lead to conservative management decisions.