The destruction of organic pollutants in water can be achieved by the
combination of oxidants or of oxidants with u.v. radiation (O-3/H2O2;
H2O2/u.v.; O-3/u.v.). The efficiency of these advanced oxidation proce
sses is accounted for by the generation of very reactive free radicals
such as hydroxyl radicals. In this paper, experimental data are prese
nted to examine the effect of physico-chemical parameters on the effic
iency of the H2O2/u.v. process for the degradation of chloroethanes in
dilute aqueous solution and to test a kinetic model for this oxidatio
n process. The model is based on known reactions of OH radicals in wat
er and on kinetic results obtained in a previous work for the photodec
omposition of hydrogen peroxide (Nicole et al., 1990).