Electron tunneling through a dielectric barrier is considered with spe
cial attention given to questions relevant for STM experiments in diel
ectric liquids. The effect of the barrier dielectric response on the t
unneling probability is studied using the effective Hamiltonian formal
ism for the polarization dynamics in the barrier, and two different th
eoretical approaches for the calculation of the tunneling probability:
A generalization of the Bardeen's formalism to inelastic tunneling an
d the quasiclassical of Brink, Nemes, and Vautherin as expanded by Sum
etskii. Although based on different approximations, both approaches yi
eld similar results in the slow barrier limit, where their ranges of v
alidity coincide. The approach based on the Bardeen's formalism relies
on the adiabatic approximation and fails for fast barrier dynamics. T
he overall effect of the barrier dielectric response is to enhance the
tunneling probability relative to the rigid barrier case. The enhance
ment factor is larger for thicker barrier, higher temperature and fast
er barrier dynamics. Both the elastic and inelastic components of the
tunneling current show these trends in the relevant range of parameter