Severe upper airway stenosis was diagnosed in a 23 year old woman who
presented with hoarseness, cough and dyspnoea 8 yrs after initial diag
nosis of ulcerative colitis. The respiratory symptoms worsened over th
e next few months, the patient eventually developing dysphagia and ult
imately severe upper airway obstruction. The narrowest site was the gl
ottis, which was severely stenosed by inflammatory swellings. Systemic
corticosteroids led to rapid clinical improvement and restoration of
normal airway patency within a few months. Ulcerative colitis is frequ
ently associated with extraintestinal inflammatory manifestations. In
the respiratory tract these usually take the form of chronic bronchiti
s, which occasionally develops into bronchiectasis. This case confirms
that the inflammation can also involve the larynx and large airways.