Headache after acoustic neuroma surgery is known to occur clinically,
but has not been studied systematically until recently. In the present
study, 155 patients were surveyed regarding their experience of heada
che and associated symptoms following resection of an acoustic neuroma
: 73 percent (n = 98) of patients undergoing suboccipital resection of
an acoustic neuroma and 53 percent (n = 8) of patients undergoing tra
nslabyrinthine resection of acoustic neuroma complained of headache fo
llowing surgery. The average pain intensity was greater for the subocc
ipital approach. Only 9 percent(n = 14) reported troublesome or freque
nt headaches preoperatively. Headache was described most often as tens
ion type, with episodic acute exacerbations mimicking migraine. Clinic
al observations suggest that most patients are treated successfully wi
th various combinations of reassurance, tricyclic antidepressants, non
steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, trigger-point injections, adj
unctive stress management techniques (relaxation), and physical therap
y. The impact of recurrent headache on work and recreational function
is notable. Several possible pathophysiological and biopsychosocial mo
dels are proposed to account for the prevalent headache problem. Altho
ugh spontaneous resolution usually occurs over time, additional study
is needed to determine the natural history of postoperative headache o
nce it occurs.