Since carbon nanotubes(1) were first synthesized in macroscopic quanti
ties(2), it has become possible to explore their physical and chemical
characteristics. There has been much speculation(3) about the propert
ies of materials encapsulated within the tubes, but experimental studi
es of this issue require a reliable means of opening and filling the t
ubes. Various approaches have been developed for opening Up(4-6) th, t
ube ends and encapsulating material(4,6,7), but these work only for a
limited range of materials or in low yield. Here we describe a general
method that allows carbon nanotubes to be opened at the end and fille
d with a variety of metal oxides using wet chemical techniques. We ant
icipate that this method will lead to extensive study of the chemistry
and physics of filled nanotubes, which might find applications in cat
alysis, separation and storage technology and in the development of ma
terials with new magnetic and electrical properties.