Cancer clinical trials have two broad objectives: To identify promisin
g treatments and to determine whether such treatments really do reduce
morbidity and mortality. These two objectives generally require diffe
rent types of clinical trials. The guiding principle of clinical trial
s is to ask an important question and get a reliable answer. Asking an
important question generally means asking a question that has the pot
ential for influencing medical practice, using a control treatment tha
t is widely accepted, using an experimental treatment that is widely a
pplicable, using an endpoint that is a direct measure of patient benef
it, and studying a group of patients who are broadly representative. G
etting a reliable answer also has many components, including randomize
d treatment assignment, adequate sample size, intent-to-treat analysis
, and testing of prestated hypotheses on mature data. These components
are discussed. Several recent developments in clinical trials methodo
logy: interim monitoring boundaries, large simple trials, and metaanal
ysis, are highlighted here. Major obstacles to conducting randomized c
linical trials are also described.