Raman spectra of regular and heat-treated carbon blacks were obtained
and used to determine the changes in microstructure due to thermal tre
atment. Eight different grades were tested, at five heat-treatment tem
peratures ranging from room temperature to 3000 K. The peak at 1345 cm
(-1), which has been assigned to symmetric C-C vibrations, is characte
ristic of disordered structures and its intensity decreases with incre
asing size of the graphitic planes. That band and the 1575 cm(-1) peak
characteristic of graphite were analyzed and the ratio of their integ
rated intensities was used to estimate the in-plane dimensions of grap
hitic crystalline regions. It is found that the size of these microcry
stallites increases with temperature. The results of the Raman studies
are in good agreement with the data obtained from X-ray diffraction.
The temperature-induced changes in crystalline dimensions are explaine
d in terms of reorganization of amorphous carbon, layer planes, and mi