Early theoretical predictions and later experimental work have shown t
hat lasers with quantum well active areas have enhanced differential g
ain over bulk lasers. The resonance frequency in a semiconductor laser
is proportional to the square root of the differential gain. The reso
nance frequency is directly related to the modulation bandwidth, and t
he enhancement in the intrinsic differential gain led to theoretical p
redictions of increased modulation bandwidth in quantum well lasers. T
his enhancement in the modulation bandwidth proved to be elusive initi
ally, and later it was realized that other factors, namely carrier tra
nsport effects, played a more dominant role in the high-speed properti
es of quantum well lasers. Carrier transport effects, in addition to b
andfilling, affect a wide range of static and dynamic properties of th
e quantum well lasers. This paper will present an overview of our pres
ent understanding of the carrier transport processes and their effects
in quantum well lasers.