Treatment of cultured malignant human keratinocytes with sodium arsena
te greatly suppressed expression of involucrin, a specific marker of k
eratinocyte differentiation. This action was primarily attributable to
inhibition of involucrin transcription according to message run-on an
d stability measurements. Involucrin was suppressed in nontumorigenic
keratinocytes as well, although the efficacy of suppression was less d
ramatic in cells derived from clinically normal epidermis, Several tra
nsition metal oxyanions (vanadate, molybdate, and tungstate) also subs
tantially suppressed involucrin expression, but okadaic acid was ineff
ective. Immunoblotting detected marked increases in tyrosine phosphory
lation of several proteins as a consequence of arsenate treatment of t
he cultures, while mobility shift analysis revealed a dramatic loss of
DNA binding by the transcription factor AP2. These findings support a
proposed role for altered levels of protein tyrosine phosphorylation
in keratinocyte differentiation. They also suggest that arsenate pertu
rbs the differentiation program in target cells by altering this phosp
horylation level and transcription factor activity.