Inaccurate determination, uncertainty, imprecision and ambiguity are o
ften present in complex decision situations where decision aid is requ
ested. Instead of reducing complexity via quantitative models of prefe
rences, as traditional preference modeling does, it may be necessary t
o represent these situations explicitly. There exist operational metho
ds that face these problems, the principal reference being the partial
comparability theory. The lack of an axiomatization however limits th
e operational potentialities of this theory. In the paper an axiomatic
foundation of the partial comparability theory is outlined based on a
sound and complete four valued logic (the truth values ''true'', ''fa
lse'', ''unknown'', ''contradictory'' are accepted). This logic is ext
ended to the first order predicate calculus. Four basic preference rel
ations are thus defined, namely: strict preference, weak preference, i
ndifference and incomparability. The operational perspectives are disc
ussed in the paper as some problems in multicriteria methods can be so
lved in a much easier and natural way. Moreover non monotonic reasonin
g devices could be built enhancing the potentialities of the theory.