The presence of progenitor or stem cells in the adult liver and their
potential roles in oncogenesis are unresolved issues. The study of hep
atocyte progenitor cells has been limited by a lack of convenient in v
ivo systems allowing unequivocal cell localization and demonstration o
f differentiation into hepatocytes. To develop an in vivo progenitor b
ioassay, early (E14) fetal Fischer 344 rat hepatoblasts were transplan
ted into the spleen of syngeneic, weaning fats deficient in dipeptidyl
peptidase IV (DPPIV) activity. The donor status of transplanted hepat
oblasts was demonstrated by DPPIV expression. Localization of hepatobl
asts was facilitated by the use of an ectopic site, as well as weanlin
g recipients, which readily allowed identification of very small numbe
rs of transplanted cells. Fetal rat hepatoblasts were demonstrated to
undergo cellular differentiation along the hepatocyte lineage by acqui
ring glucose-6-phosphatase activity within 5 d of transplantation. A c
ritical review of previous transplantation studies of hepatocyte proge
nitor cells and the role of the local microenvironment at inducing dif
ferentiation indicates that this novel bioassay should facilitate anal
ysis of progenitor cells.