The pattern of acceleration was recorded during horizontal saccadic ey
e movements using a lightweight accelerometer fixed to a scleral conta
ct lens. Horizontal saccades of 15-20 degrees were dominated by either
several pulses of acceleration, with a frequency of around 40 Hz, or
a single acceleration-deceleration wave followed by lower amplitude po
lyphasic activity of about 80 Hz. These features are unlikely to be du
e to slippage or resonance in the contact lens-accelerometer system, a
s very similar patterns of acceleration were simultaneously recorded w
ith an accelerometer taped over the closed eyelid of the contralateral
eye. Analysis of simultaneous surface electromyogram recordings indic
ated that the multicomponent acceleration profiles were the product, a
t least in part? of the rhythmic and synchronous modulation of eye mus
cle discharge during saccades.