The sites along Uromyces appendiculatus germ tubes that are responsive
to topographical induction for appressorium formation were determined
using glass micropipettes. The germ tubes were perturbed with the mic
ropipettes at different sites and durations. The most responsive regio
n of the germ tubes for appressorium formation was within 0-10 mu m fr
om the cell apex where >90% of the perturbed germ tubes developed appr
essoria. Furthermore, only the cell surface in contact with the substr
atum was responsive. Appressoria could not be induced to form, under a
ny conditions, by perturbing cell-substratum regions of the germ tubes
more than 40 mu m from the apex. Maximum appressorium formation occur
red when the perturbing micropipette was left in place for >20 min.