We study form fluctuations of topologically nontrivial membranes, spon
ges for instance, assuming that there is a principal mode described by
Langevin's equation, which has a character of chaotic relaxation to t
he equilibrium position. The influence of the ambient liquid being tak
en into account by the relaxation coefficients and the source of noise
. The chaotic change of the surface is characterized by the quantity D
elta(2) (similar to the activity of rotational Brownian motion), which
satisfies Einstein's equation Delta(2)/t = gammaIT, where t is the ti
me, I a factor depending on the form of the membrane, and gamma the di
ssipative constant. Fluctuations are studied by using the chiral field
that is obtained from the Gauss-Weingarten local frame, usual in the
classical theory of surfaces. Thus, we determine the effective action
for a chiral field having a supersymmetric structure, we derive the co
rrelation functions, and develop the theory of perturbations by the cu
rvature of the surface.