R. Amir et P. Tamir, PROPOSITION GENERATING TASK (PGT) - A MEASURE OF MEANINGFUL LEARNING AND OF CONCEPTUAL CHANGE, Journal of Biological Education, 29(2), 1995, pp. 111-118
Diagnostic assessment is essential for ascertaining meaningful learnin
g and requires the use of innovative strategies. In this study, we int
roduce the proposition generating task (PGT), demonstrate its use, and
describe results which show that it is an effective, reliable, and va
lid measure. In the PGT, students are required to consider just two co
ncepts at a time, and construct a full sentence to explain the nature
of the link between these concepts. The purpose of the study is to dem
onstrate the use of the PGT as a tool that can uncover students' under
standing of the relationship between the concepts of photosynthesis an
d respiration, before and after the study of photosynthesis.The propos
itions generated in the pre-test and post-test were analysed and divid
ed into six categories, and each proposition was also assigned a score
on a scale of 0 to 4. Some of the unique advantages of the PGT over o
ther strategies are as follows: (a) it requires neither special traini
ng nor practice; (b) it is not time consuming; and (c) it is relativel
y simple to assess.