An infinite sequence F = {f(n)}(infinity)(n=1), of one-output Boolean
functions with the following two properties is constructed: (1) f(n) c
an be computed by a Boolean circuit with O(n) gates. (2) For any posit
ive, nondecreasing, and unbounded function h: N --> R, each Boolean ci
rcuit having an m/h(m) separator requires a nonlinear number Omega(nh(
n)) of gates to compute f(n) (e.g., each planar Boolean circuit requir
es Omega(n(2)) gates to compute f(n)). Thus, one can say that f(n) has
linear combinational complexity and a nonlinear practical combination
al complexity because the constant-degree parallel architectures used
in practice have separators in O(m/log(2)m),