1,2-Benz-isoxazol-3-acetic acid is slightly toxic to unorganized growi
ng carrot cells and completely prevents somatic embryogenesis beyond t
he globular stage. Its action is time dependent: if added early, it af
fects the determination of the early stages; if added later, after det
ermination has occurred, it has practically no effect. The blocked for
ms can evolve, in the presence of the compound, creating secondary emb
ryos that, in turn, are arrested at the globular stage. Since the seco
ndary embryos adhere to the primary ones, irregular polyembryonic mass
es of typical appearance are created. The internal structures of the b
locked globular embryos were examined and were shown to be enlarged, v
acuolized and detached from the central cells. The protoderm also disp
layed an altered appearance. These data, when considered together with
the effects of the compound on rooting and callus formation, suggest
that benz-isoxazol acetic acid acts as a weak auxin.