The problem of predicting the orientations of falling nonspherical par
ticles has been addressed by the construction of a heuristic model tha
t assumes the particles are subject to isotropic turbulence within or
below the inertial subrange, that is, the Kolmogorov spectrum of eddie
s, depending on the particle dimensions. The rms tilt angle of a spher
oidal particle of smalt eccentricity is determined by Langevin-type av
eraging over its equation of motion, taking into account the first-ord
er restoring torque that arises when the stable fall mode is perturbed
by either thermal or turbulent fluctuations. By invoking dimensional
constraints concerning the nature of the main flow and turbulent stres
ses and by assuming the thermal and turbulent fluctuations are uncorre
lated, an approximate expression for the variance of an assumed Gaussi
an orientation distribution for small tilt angles and small flow Reyno
lds numbers is obtained. The expression is then generalized to provide
a semiquantitative, nearly Gaussian probability distribution for arbi
trary tilt angles, particle aspect ratios, Reynolds numbers. and parti
cle sizes relative to the Kolmogorov microscale length for particles t
hat can be modeled as spheroids, disks, and cylinders, as well as hexa
gonal plates and columns such as ice crystals.