Bovine rotavirus strain WC3 (P7[5], G6) administered at the 12th passa
ge level was well tolerated clinically in infants and efficiently indu
ced serum virus neutralizing antibody (VNA) with bovine rotavirus G6 s
pecificity. The protective efficacy of WC3 vaccine against all rotavir
us disease was inconsistent, varying in four separate trials from 76%
to 0%; some selective protection against severe disease was seen in al
l trials. WC3 reassortants containing the gene for an individual human
rotavirus VP7 (G) or VP4 (P) surface antigen were also well tolerated
, but preferentially induced VNA to the WC3 parent. Efficacy trials of
human G1 VP7 reassortant WI79-9 (P7[5], G1) consistently led to >60%
protection against all rotavirus disease. A quadrivalent WC3 reassorta
nt vaccine was developed to contain four separate monovalent reassorta
nts expressing human rotaviruses surface proteins G1, G2, G3, and P1A
[8] respectively. In a multicenter trial including 439 infants, this v
accine induced 67.1% protection against all rotavirus disease (defined
as positive for rotavirus antigen by ELISA only [p=<0.001]) and 72.6%
protection when the standard for rotavirus diagnosis was a positive t
est of stool for both rotavirus antigen by ELISA and rotavirus RNA by
electropherotype analysis (p=<0.001). In this trial, episodes of the m
ost severe rotavirus disease (clinical severity score >16.0, eight cas
es) occurred only in placebo recipients.