Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies (DMD and BMD) are caused by d
efects in the dystrophin gene. About two-thirds of the affected patien
ts have large deletions or duplications, which occur in the 5' and cen
tral portion of the gene. The nondeletion/duplication cases are most l
ikely the result of smaller mutations that cannot be identified by cur
rent diagnostic screening strategies. We screened similar to 80% of th
e dystrophin coding sequence for small mutations in 158 patients witho
ut deletions or duplications and identified 23 mutations. The study in
dicates that many of the DMD and the majority of the BMD small mutatio
ns lie in noncoding regions of the gene. All of the mutations identifi
ed were unique to single patients, and most of the mutations resulted
in protein truncation. We did not find a clustering of small mutations
similar to the deletion distribution but found >40% of the small muta
tions 3' of exon 55. The extent of protein truncation caused by the 3'
mutations did not determine the phenotype, since even the exon 76 non
sense mutation resulted in the severe DMD phenotype. Our study confirm
s that the dystrophin gene is subject to a high rate of mutation in Cp
G sequences. As a consequence of not finding any hotspots or prevalent
small mutations, we conclude that it is presently not possible to per
form direct carrier and prenatal diagnostics for many families without
deletions or duplications.