A Bayesian analysis of a threshold model with multiple ordered categor
ies is presented. Marginalizations are achieved by means of the Gibbs
sampler. It is shown that use of data augmentation leads to conditiona
l posterior distributions which are easy to sample from. The condition
al posterior distributions of thresholds and liabilities are independe
nt uniforms and independent truncated normals, respectively. The remai
ning parameters of the model have conditional posterior distributions
which are identical to those in the Gaussian linear model. The methodo
logy is illustrated using a sire model, with an analysis of hip dyspla
sia in dogs, and the results are compared with those obtained in a pre
vious study, based on approximate maximum likelihood. Two independent
Gibbs chains of length 620 000 each were. run, and the Monte-Carlo sam
pling error of moments of posterior densities were assessed using time
series methods. Differences between results obtained from both chains
were within the range of the Monte-Carlo sampling error. With the exc
eption of the sire variance and heritability, marginal posterior distr
ibutions seemed normal. Hence inferences using the present method were
in good agreement with those based on approximate maximum likelihood.
Threshold estimates were strongly autocorrelated in the Gibbs sequenc
e, but this can be alleviated using an alternative parameterization.