Hoverflies are potentially important in many agricultural and horticul
tural crops as biological control agents. The two most abundant specie
s of hoverflies present in the New Zealand agricultural landscape are
Melanostoma fasciatum (Macquart) and Melangyna nouaezelandiae (Macquar
t), both of which are aphidophagous and also prey on young lepidoptera
n larvae. Information regarding the phenology and ecology of these spe
cies is quite limited but is needed if the contribution of these preda
tors to biocontrol is to be enhanced. The main work reported here conc
erns the trapping of large numbers of hoverflies to investigate their
phenology; these flies were subsequently assessed for the pollen type
taken and for wing wear. Foraging behavior, optimal trap color and ide
al trap-emptying rate were also studied. There was good evidence of a
second generation of hoverflies occurring in late summer and pollen pr
eferences for both species of hoverfly ere exhibited. The foraging beh
avior of the two number of flights made and the overall distance trave
led over fixed time intervals. Yellow was the most efficient color for
trapping M. novaezelandiae but for M. fasciatum yellow, white, and bl
ue did not differ and green was poor. The value of the work in providi
ng background ecological information for possible enhancement programs
for hoverfly populations on farmland is discussed.