A thick water film is deposited on a mica substrate, which it wets, fr
om pure water vapour at a low temperature. The vapour pressure is redu
ced so that the water evaporates. Despite the fact that under equilibr
ium conditions the film wets the substrate, when it reaches a thicknes
s of about 500 Angstrom, dry patches nucleate in the film and the wate
r recedes to the wet parts. During the recession, a thick rim of water
is created, which becomes hydrodynamically unstable and produces a be
autiful reproducible pattern of water drops. Experiments have been don
e showing both homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation. The basic phy
sics of the de-wetting the nucleation and the origin of the pattern fo
rmation are discussed. The effect is not restricted to water on mica,
but has been observed with other fluids on wetted substrates.